More female students are interested STEM and attend information session at CamTech University January 14. PHOTO SUPPLIED
A new academic competition “Think! Think! National World Cup”, designed to encourage the Kingdom’s young students to develop their STEM skills, was held on January 14 as part of the 70th anniversary of close diplomatic relations between Japan and Cambodia.
The STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) abilities of the participants were put to the test using the Think! Think! application, a leading piece of Japanese educational software, at the event, held at the Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Centre (CJCC).
“It is very important to learn STEM from childhood and to develop 21st century skills as early as possible in our rapidly changing society. The app we are employing – Think! Think! – is a fantastic way of keeping kids interested in STEM subjects, while also developing their soft skills and critical thinking,” said Minister of Education, Youth and Sport Hang Chuon Naron, who oversaw the Think! Think! National World Cup event.
Also in attendance were Ichitomo Taninai, deputy chief of Mission of Japanese embassy, and Haruko Kamei, chief representative of JICA Cambodia.
“Think!Think! is a Japanese app which was carefully designed to grow students’ STEM skills,” said Haruko.
“It is extremely popular in Japan, where it was recognised as Japan’s No.1 education app and Google’s best app for kids. It has over 200,000 users all over the world,” she added.
“At present, more than 4,000 students in 9 public schools in 6 provinces and 1 learning centre in Phnom Penh use the programme. The Think!Think! National World Cup Event will be held every year from now on,” she continued.
The education ministry’s dedication to improving the technological skills of students has also led to several promotions by private higher education institutions.
Phnom Penh’s CamTech University is actively encouraging female graduates to pursue careers in STEM, claiming women are underrepresented in these areas. The government’s Industry 4.0 strategy is expected to create demand for specialists in these fields.
Up to 75 outstanding grade 12 students, especially young women, will receive scholarships for 100 per cent of their tuition – in four STEM-related undergraduate programmes – for the upcoming academic year, announced the university.
“So far 99 candidates have applied to take the scholarship exam – 27 of them women,” said Khieng Sothy, rector of CamTech University.
“The students can specialise in Software Engineering, Cyber Security, Data Science or Artificial Intelligence,” Sothy told The Post.
Kuyseng Chesda, who passed the scholarship exam with a score of 100 per cent in 2022, has loved computers since she was a child. She works with software, and says she wants to create something new that will benefit society by embracing new digital technology.
“After completing my four-year Software Engineering Bachelor’s Degree in Cambodia, I intend to seek scholarships to pursue a Master’s Degree abroad. I want to work for a large international company like Google, Meta or TikTok,” she told The Post.
CamTech offers a wide range of courses, including Robotics and Automation, Architecture, Interior Design, Educational Technology, Media and Communications, Risk Management and Business Intelligence, and Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The deadline for applications is January 20, with courses beginning on January 30. Potential applicants should contact the university as soon as possible.