The Kampong Seila District Administration in Preah Sihanouk province has prohibited villagers from consuming fish from the Kampong Seila river. 

The move comes following the death of a number of fish attributed to waste leakage from a local packaging factory. The provincial Departments of Environment and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries have gathered samples and are currently investigating the matter.

The ban was announced after the administration received reports of numerous dead fish in the river in Kraing Ath village, Kampong Seila commune, last week. A team was dispatched to identify the primary cause of the fatalities.

According to the district administration, the investigation revealed a leakage of wastewater from a storage tank of a mango packaging facility located in Stung Samrong village, O’Bakrotes commune led to the contamination of water flowing into the river.

Upon discovering the source of the pollution, district authorities, alongside the district police force, sought assistance from the environment ministry and the provincial environment and agriculture departments. Their efforts included both research and the collection of river samples.

“To safeguard the health of residents near the Kampong Seila river, please refrain from consuming fish until expert analysis from the [relevant stakeholders] is available,” the district administration advised.

“We have sent the samples for detailed examination to the laboratory,” it added.

In addition to sample collection, the working group has taken immediate action to halt the dumping of waste, including mango shells and seeds, into the storage pit and ensure its proper disposal at a landfill. 

They have also been instructed to adequately prepare the storage area to prevent any further leakage or collapse during the rainy season.

Provincial environment department director Samuth Sothearith and provincial agriculture department director Nen Chamroeun were both unavailable for comment on the investigation’s findings.

Environment ministry spokesperson Khvay Atitya and Preah Sihanouk provincial deputy governor Long Dimanche declined to comment, indicating that a response would be forthcoming, as both the ministry and provincial authorities are awaiting a report from the local authorities on the matter.