The Cambodia Kantha Bopha Foundation convened a meeting to raise funds through each ministry, institution and capital/provincial administrations.

Chan Narith, undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Economy and Finance ad head of the foundation secretariat, explained that the support of the foundation is essential in supporting the sustainable operation of the Kantha Bopha Children's Hospitals.

He chaired the June 23 meeting, attended by representatives of several ministries, institutions and capital/provincial administrations.

“The Foundation was established to mobilise funds, subsidies and contributions from all legal sources to ensure the sustainability of financial support so the foundation can serve the government’s policy of promoting social welfare,” he said.

Also present at the meeting was Lim Socheat, vice-president of the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce.

He said the meeting was held to discuss ways to raise public awareness of the foundation’s work, and encourage major companies to play their part by making charitable donations.

The Foundation was formally inaugurated on April 11, 2018, by Prime Minister Hun Sen, with his wife Bun Rany as founder and honorary president on top of her role as head of the Cambodian Red Cross.

The government, he said, is determined to maintain the sustainability of the hospitals, which treat and save the lives of children and babies for free, without discrimination.