Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospital – which provides free healthcare for the Kingdom’s children – treated 85,806 outpatients in August, a decrease of 573 from July, while admissions increased, with 17,665 inpatients last month, up 876 from the 16,789 in July.

The report also noted a surge in dengue fever cases, with 2,912 children treated, an increase of 562 from July’s 2,350, according to a September 5 report.

Surgical procedures saw a minor drop, with 2,295 operations performed, down by 91 from 2,386 in July. Open-heart surgeries and cauterisations increased slightly to 76, up from 69 the previous month.

In the maternity ward at Jayavarman VII Hospital, also known as Kantha Bopha III, 9,846 pregnant women received outpatient care, a rise of 159 from 9,687 in July. The ward also reported 1,865 deliveries, 100 more than the previous month.

Khean Tourk, director of public relations for the Cambodia Kantha Bopha Foundation, explained that the funding for Kantha Bopha Children’s Hospital comes from two main sources, their organisation and their Swiss counterpart.

“Both charities continue to receive increasing donations, which help keep the hospital running smoothly,” Tourk said.

However, he stressed the need for additional contributions.

“We still need donations – from all walks of life – to ensure the hospital’s sustainability,” he added.

Tourk said the hospital, which has branches in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, spends about $120,000 per day on operations. This total costs are between $40 and $45 million annually, a figure that can vary depending on disease outbreaks.

According to the hospital’s six-month summary, around 500,000 children were examined and treated in the first half of the year. About 90,000 of these were serious cases requiring admission, representing a 100 per cent increase compared to the same period last year.

“All treatments were free for all, without discrimination,” the hospital stated.

It also expressed gratitude to those who contribute to the foundation, supporting the provision of no-cost medical services.