Khmer Rise Party (KRP) president Sok Sovann Vathana Sabung and a working group on Sunday began investigating 17 cases of conspiracy to grab land and abuses of power committed by government officials.

“It is not easy because each case involves going down to the remote areas, but we were given a proper mission from the government.

“I think if we are afraid of being killed, there is no need for us to get rid of corrupt officials in Cambodia to serve citizens.

“After conducting a study for nine days in 10 provinces, the KRP will analyse facts and merits to verify them with the laws. Then, we will prepare a report to be submitted to the prime minister for his review and decision,” said Vathana Sabung, who is also a member of the Supreme Consultation Forum.

He said: “If we find any misconduct and abuse of power, we will show the proof. We will only make an allegation in reference to an existing case after cross-checking the claims with facts.

“This is because each report must first be submitted to the secretariat of the Supreme Consultation Council before being handed to the prime minister.”

He pointed out that all findings in the report will be studied further [by the secretariat] and then sent to the Council of Ministers for another review. So it means that each report is based on the principle of accuracy without any bias. The report will be reviewed by up to three institutions, he said.

Tbong Khmum provincial administration director Mao Dung said that the provincial administration welcomed any mission visit by members of the Supreme Consultation Forum, as long as it is carried out under the law. However, he urged people to seek mechanisms within the various authorities to resolve issues.

He said: “Some disputes exist, so the [local] authorities have to depend on authorities at the national level because they have the authority. Some cases cannot be resolved by the sub-national authorities, so there is a dependency on the national level comprising of various institutions and the national supreme council.”

Rights group Adhoc coordinator in Tbong Khmum and Kampong Cham provinces Thim Narin said if KRP is willing to help seek justice for citizens, then it is good for society. She said she observed that in cases where citizens filed a complaint to the authorities, none could be resolved to get them justice.

“But if KRP’s visit is just to collect data or to gain popularity for its party, I think there will still be no justice for citizens,” she said.

Also, Narin urged all political parties to have a real will to help the government, especially concerning the issues faced by citizens to seek justice and make this country better.