Health minister Mam Bunheng participated in National Malaria Day in Kampong Speu province on April 24, 2022. PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION
The National Centre for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control (NCPEM) said that in 2022, there were 4,042 cases of malaria, a decrease of 6 percent when compared with the previous year.
According to the NCPEM, Cambodia has not had any malaria deaths since 2018, which means the Kingdom has already achieved its 2025 target.
During last April’s National Malaria Day celebrations, Prime Minister Hun Sen warned that although the Kingdom is achieving great results, further efforts must be made to accelerate its eradication.
The Kingdom is currently rolling out phase two of the Malaria Eradication Action Plan 2021-2025, as part of the government’s National Strategic Plan for Malaria Eradication 2011-2025.
Phase two was approved by the Ministry of Health in 2021, and has been underway for two years.
The NCPEM, national and international implementation partners and relevant officials – from the national to the grassroots level – have achieved excellent results so far.
Mom Thany, secretary of State and chair of the malaria, falciparum, dengue working group of the Ministry of Environment, led a malaria eradication team to distribute mosquito nets to communities in Teuk Thla, Teuk La’ak and Samaki communes in Preah Sihanouk province’s Prey Nop district earlier this week.
She said the ministries of environment and health are working closely to eradicate malaria in local communities and protected areas by 2025, in accordance with the national strategic plan.
Six provinces which still report high malaria infection rates – Kampong Speu, Mondulkiri, Ratanakkiri, Stung Treng, Preah Vihear and Kratie – are receiving special attention, she added.
Although Preah Sihanouk has been able to control the spread of malaria, the rate of dengue fever infections has recently seen alarming rises.
This has prompted the environment ministry to increase awareness campaigns about measures to reduce mosquito-borne illnesses.
“All communities must sleep inside mosquito nets and maintain good hygiene. Keeping good health and a clean environment are essential to avoid malaria and other diseases,” added Thany.