Cambodian ambassador to Malaysia, Cheuy Vichet. ROYAL EMBASSY OF CAMBODIA TO MALAYSIA
The Cambodian embassy in Malaysia on March 9 issued a notice to Cambodian people, students and workers who are staying, studying and working there that the country was set to reopen.
“We have considered the facts through a scientific lens and in order to aid in the recovery of our economy – especially the hard-hit tourist sector – the Malaysian government will reopen the borders to international travellers, effective from April 1 onwards,” the notice said.
It said that in addition to reopening to international travellers, Malaysian authorities will waive quarantine for fully vaccinated travellers. They will be required to undergo a PCR test two days prior to entry and take a rapid test on arrival. They must also complete a pre-departure form through the MySejahtera app.
The notice added that passengers who were not yet vaccinated would have to meet the same criteria, but would also face a five-day period of quarantine.
With the number of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia increasing by more than 30,000 a day since the end of Feburary, the Cambodian embassy in Malaysia called on all Cambodian citizens to maintain personal hygiene and to frequently wash their hands with soap or alcohol. If it became necessary to be around crowds, they should also maintain social distancing of at least 1m, it added.