Prime Minister Hun Manet has proposed the establishment of a team of historians, entrusted with the dual task of not only documenting and archiving unfolding events but also reshaping the narrative of Cambodian history.

Speaking to a gathering of nearly 20,000 workers in Phnom Penh’s Por Sen Chey district on August 29, he underscored the role of preserving Cambodia’s unique national heritage.

“I’ve discussed with Minister of Culture and Fine Arts Phoeurng Sackona about setting up a team of history researchers. If we do not write our own history, other countries will do it for us, potentially gaining accolades a century from now.

“During my travels abroad, I have noticed that much of our history is written by outsiders. We have Khmer authors in this area. Hence, I strongly encourage more people to take up this important work,” he said.

Chhort Bunthang, a research officer in cultural relations, tourism and education at the Royal Academy of Cambodia, echoed Manet’s sentiments.

He stated that a deep understanding of history is fundamental for comprehending past developments, achievements and events.

“Knowing our history and understanding its socio-political, economic, and cultural aspects is vitally important. Before we write, it is essential to conduct research and gather individuals passionate about documenting historical facts,” he said.

Bunthang added that a well-informed populace takes pride in its history, while also appreciating the journey of growth, unity and struggle.

He noted that accurately recorded history would include both good and bad experiences, serving as a cautionary tale for future generations.

“For instance, we can learn both positive and negative lessons from the Khmer Rouge era. This knowledge is essential for preventing the recurrence of such a regime,” he said.

Bunthang highlighted the dangers of distorting historical facts.

“If history is not written accurately, it could mislead both older and younger generations, potentially sowing the seeds of racial animosity.

“Correct historical documentation provides a foundation for the younger generation to learn from and make informed decisions. It helps ensure we do not repeat the darker chapters of our past,” he added.