Minister of Interior Sar Kheng has instructed officials from his ministry and the Ministry of Economy and Finance to prepare regulations before launching data connectivity between the General Department of Identification (GDI) and Cambodia Data Exchange (CamDX) on a unified IT platform.

The directive came at a meeting on the integration of data downloads at the interior ministry on Thursday.

Sar Kheng said the management of the programme should be made as a draft sub-decree to expand the scope of the implementation in the framework of the entire government.

“It should be prepared as a sub-decree because inter-ministerial prakas preparation would lead to many announcements given that the GDI databases will be connected to the data of many other relevant ministries and institutions,” he said.

The CamDX system is a platform for unified data exchange and modelled on standardised software used by the government of Estonia, according to a presentation by a senior GDI official posted on the Ministry of Interior’s website.

The data links have five special points and are based on Estonia’s successful experience in organising e-government, including the use of ecosystem forms, providing high security in data exchange, non-interference with the management of data of institutions that own data, and the monitoring system.

GDI director-general Kang Sokhorn said the CamDX data connection came up after the Ministry of Economy and Finance submitted a request to the government that the GDI cooperate in setting up an inter-ministerial working group with private companies.

Through data connectivity with GDI, the ministry has registered and verified the identity of over 100 companies.

Sokhorn called it a tentative implementation because the project has not been launched formally.

He said data from GDI also had a clear limit, which cannot be used beyond what is agreed-upon and that all further requests require a discussion first.

“[I] ask that language be prepared for an inter-ministerial announcement before launching this data link successfully,” he said.