A recently launched mobile job centre is sharing more employment opportunities with local communities, by offering its services to people where they live. Several employment market specialists and young people have praised the new initiative, noting that it provides increased convenience to job seekers.

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training announced on November 7 that it had established the centre to promote job opportunities to local people more quickly and easily, while offering them consultations in person.

“The ministry’s National Employment Agency (NEA) has equipped a vehicle which travels to many locations on a daily basis. In collaboration with the Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia (UYFC), it is able to disseminate information about job opportunities and register those who are looking for job more efficiently,” said the ministry.

Uth Jina, a first-year student at the National Institute of Business, believed the mobile job centre would make it easier for people to access information about the labour market.

“Through the NEA’s mobile outreach at my university, I can find out about many opportunities and potential employers that I may otherwise have been unaware of. The centre also teaches us to prepare a curriculum vitae (CV), and prepares us for the interview process,” he said.

Kong Samneang, head of the Federation of Education Services in Cambodia, also backed the new mobile venture. He described it as not just making finding work easier for students and other job seekers, but noted that it also supported the employment sector, and therefore the national economy.

“There are still some people who complain about being unable to find work, even though there are many companies which need manpower. This may be due to a lack of widespread information among the public. I encourage any initiative which publicises job opportunities across the country,” he said.

According to the labour ministry, the mobile job centre offers local job seeker registration services, employment and career counselling services and an employment library, as well as sharing information about future educational opportunities and skills or vocational training.

A ministry report announced that in the first half of the year, the ministry registered 11,172 job seekers, with 1,472 of them being employed and 13,320 accessing consultation services.

The NEA has organized 56 mobile job fairs, with a total attendance of 16,700, as well as 28 fixed location fairs with a total of 8,049 participants.

Minister of Labour and Vocational Training Heng Sour will officially open the 2023 National Job and Productivity Fair on November 10 at the Koh Pich Exhibition and Convention Centre in Phnom Penh. The event will be attended by senior officials, and representatives of many relevant organisations.