The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications will reduce the price of one course of 200mg molnupiravir capsules with the brand name Molnatris from $55 to $50 starting March 14. The ministry will be looking into cases where the medicine is being sold at a higher price.
In a March 12 notice, the ministry said they had been importing the molnupiravir capsules for local use and selling it at the cost of $55 for one course. The drug is used to treat Covid-19 positive patients who are displaying light to medium symptoms. The medication is suitable only for adults.
“To respond to the demand for this medicine and to promote public health, the ministry will subsidise this medicine. We will distribute molnupiravir capsules – at $50 per dose – from Monday March 14 onwards to private hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and the general public,” the notice said.
An individual can purchase from one to 10 doses of the medication, while private hospital, clinics and pharmacies can purchase from 10 to 100 doses. It may be resold, but for no more than $60 per course.
Those who had already purchased the medicine must wait for at least one week before being allowed to purchase the drug again, it added. The medicine is available from ministry headquarters and post offices.
The ministry issued a stern warning to price gougers, saying: “Should private hospitals, clinics or pharmacies resell the medicine for more than the prices set by the ministry, legal action will follow immediately.”