The National Social Security Fund (NSSF), which is administered under the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training, announced the recruitment of candidates for the “2023 NSSF Outstanding Members Programme” in honour of the 137th International Labour Day on May 1. The closing date for the applications is April 17.
According to the NSSF’s announcement, the event will be held in collaboration with the Textile, Apparel, Footwear & Travel Goods Association in Cambodia (TAFTAC), Union of Youth Federations of Cambodia (UYFC) and trade unions.
“The NSSF has been distributing and receiving applications from April 6 to 17 at the NSSF headquarters or all branches or can be downloaded from or,” it noted.
After applications are closed, interviews will take place on April 18 at the NSSF headquarters and at all branches of the NSSF. The final decision will be announced on May 1 at the NSSF’s headquarters located in Khmuonh commune of Phnom Penh’s Sen Sok district.
Heng Sophannarith, deputy director-general of the NSSF, told The Post on April 10 that the 2023 outstanding members programme is an annual event held by the labour ministry. In Khmer it is called Samros Ek, which translates to “most beautiful or uniquely beautiful”.
However, he said that this year the ministry focused on NSSF members from the garment sector, and plan on moving to other sectors in the years to come.
“The 2023 outstanding NSSF members programme is the same as the labour ministry’s Samros Ek programme,” he said.
With the announcement of the selection of candidates to participate in this programme, Sophannarith said the ministry will also facilitate the process with garment factories to let the candidates who participate in the programme get paid leave to attend the festivities.
“For this programme, we have cooperated with the owners of manufacturing enterprises in the garment sector to facilitate the sending of workers who come to this competition by not deducting their wages for their absence for the ongoing process and during their 10-day training at the headquarters. So, during the competition they won’t have time to work at the factories,” he said.
According to the NSSF’s notice, the candidates qualified to participate in the programme must have at least three months experience working in the garment sector. They must be good looking, intelligent, friendly, have good communication skills and be popular among their co-workers.
Male candidates must be between 18 and 35 years old and at least 170cm tall. Female candidates must be between 18 and 30 years old and at least 160cm tall.