The Ministry of Public Works and Transport has informed ministries, state institutions, organisations and embassies in Cambodia to change their vehicle identification cards and licence plates by October 30.
The change is needed because the ministry revised and set new code numbers to make it easier for vehicle control.
A notice issued by the ministry on Sunday confirmed that in June, the government issued a sub-decree on registration, vehicle identifications cards and vehicle number plates.
In April the ministry issued an announcement that determined the types of vehicle identification needed for ministries and institutions.
“These announcements are aimed at controlling vehicles as state property of the ministries [and] institutions to guarantee security, order, safety and ownership rights of vehicles.
“To make it easier for vehicle number plate control, we have again revised and set code numbers for the licence plates of some ministries and institutions,” it said.
The notice also requests that all the institutions update their vehicle list and submit it to the ministry. The institutions also have to fill out forms requesting changes to vehicle ID numbers and number plates in line with the ministry’s instructions.
Ministry spokesman Heang Sotheayuth said the goal of the notice is to revise old code numbers used by the ministries and state institutions, organisations and embassies in Cambodia.
“The changes cost little money. The ministries and state institutions have an administrative budget for expenses and this expense is small,” he said.
Sotheayuth said the new ID numbers are required on all types of vehicles, including motorcycles and cars. Vehicle number plates belonging to the Phnom Penh municipal and provincial halls must be changed to new vehicle code numbers also.
The ministry added that for vehicles belonging to the state and used by the National Election Committee, the NEC 01 2-0001 number plate has to be changed to new vehicle code IDs – NEC 2-0001.
For foreign NGOs with ONG200 2-001 number plates, they need to be changed to new code IDs – ONG2-001 according to the types of vehicles.
Vehicles belonging to international organisations, whose number plates are OI 001, OI 0001, OI 2-001 they need to be changed to new vehicle code IDs – OI 2-0001, according to the types of vehicles.
Ambassadors’ vehicle numbers are not required to be changed. UN mission directors to Cambodia with the number plate ONU 2-001 must be changed to new vehicle code IDs – ONU 01-1. ID codes for staff are not required to be changed.