Rural development minister Chhay Rithisen and Pailin provincial governor Ban Sreymom celebrate the province’s ODF status at a February 18 ceremony. Supplied
Pailin province has been officially declared Open Defecation Free (ODF), a major milestone in Cambodia’s sanitation and public health efforts.
“The achievement of ODF status in Pailin is a testament to the power of community participation and international cooperation,” said Chhay Rithisen, Minister of Rural Development.
“This milestone represents a significant step towards improved public health, reduced disease transmission and a cleaner, healthier environment for all residents,” he added.
The rural development ministry cited Pailin provincial governor Ban Sreymom as saying that each of the province’s 18,113 households now has access to toilets.
Of them, 17,144 households (95 per cent) have private toilets, while 969 households (5 per cent) use shared facilities.
“The province’s two towns and all eight communes and districts have achieved full ODF status. Among 93 villages, 60 have attained ODF status (61%), while 38 have progressed to ODF Plus status (39%),” said Sreymom.
She also highlighted the province’s broader rural development achievements, including improvements in clean water supply, health education, rural road infrastructure and business opportunities.
Currently, 79.5 per cent of Pailin’s villages have access to clean water, further supporting efforts to enhance public health and hygiene.
The February 18 announcement highlighted the success of the Peace Village Project, a key initiative in improving sanitation practices and providing access to hygienic latrines for all households in the province.
The project, funded by South Korea through KOICA, played a crucial role in Pailin’s ODF achievement.
“The project included constructing public latrines in schools and health centres, supporting hygiene education campaigns and mobilising community efforts to promote better sanitation practices,” according to KOICA.
Rithisen emphasised the importance of sustaining ODF status and called on the provincial administration and stakeholders to continue their commitment to rural water supply and sanitation.
“We are implementing the National Action Plan on Water Supply, Sanitation and Rural Hygiene, and have achieved a nationwide water and sanitation coverage rate of approximately 88.80 per cent. This includes a water coverage rate of 86.09 per cent and a sanitation coverage rate of 91.47 per cent,” he said.
“By 2030, it is expected that all citizens across the country will have access to clean water and sanitation, creating a sustainable environment for all,” he added.
Pailin is the 16th province in Cambodia to achieve ODF status. It joins Phnom Penh, Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Kandal, Kampong Speu, Kampong Chhnang, Kep, Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Cham, Ratanakiri, Siem Reap, Tbong Khmum, Takeo, Stung Treng and Kampong Thom.