CPP supporters drive through the streets of Phnom Penh during the campaign period of the 2013 national elections.
In addition to the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) rally on Saturday, which its spokesman says would see some 100,000 supporters attending, two other parties announced plans for events that day to kick off their parties’ campaign period.
Meanwhile, National Election Committee (NEC) president Sik Bunhok appealed to all parties on Monday to ensure that the period in the run-up to the ballot on July 29 proceeds smoothly.
“The NEC calls for all political parties, candidates, and their supporters to follow provisions and policies as stated in election laws . . . to ensure that election campaigns of political parties proceed peacefully . . . and safely,’’ Bunhok said.
Detailing his party’s plan, CPP spokesman Sok Eysan told The Post yesterday that Prime Minister Hun Sen would preside over a celebration on the capital’s Koh Pich Island before a march through the city.
“In Phnom Penh, we will gather 100,000 members and supporters at Koh Pich, and Samdech [Hun Sen] will read his political statement as the Cambodian People’s Party president,” he said, adding that similar events will be hosted by CPP cadres across the country on the same day.
The Grassroots Democratic Party (GDP) also announced plans yesterday for a rally to start the campaign period, taking place in Takeo province.
The party estimates that 1,000 supporters will show up to hear its candidate for prime minister, Yang Saing Koma, deliver his address.
Saing Koma is well-known for being the founder of the Cambodian Center for Study and Development in Agriculture.
A spokesman for the GDP said it would also host a rally in the capital on July 10. Between 500 and 1,000 supporters are expected at the event.
However, setting plans to campaign on the same day as the CPP, the fledgling Khmer Will Party (KWP) on Monday announced it would march in the capital and Kandal province after holding its “first congress” on July 7.
Led by Kong Monika, the son of court-dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) adviser Kong Korm, the KWP has claimed it has “the soul” of the CNRP.
The majority of the candidates it is fielding for the election were previously associated with the largest opposition party.
“The KWP is busy with its first party congress and election campaign. The party will host its [first] congress in the morning of July 7."
“After that, it will march in Phnom Penh and Kandal province,” Monika said, adding that it expects 500 activists. It also plans to host events throughout the country.