Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) and JICA sign an agreement to conduct a feasibility study on the expansion of Phase III on February 2. PPWSA
Cambodian authorities have announced 2026 a start date for the construction of Phase III of the Niroth Water Treatment Plant.
A recent meeting between the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) approved the launch of a feasibility study of the project.
PPWSA director-general Long Naro said it is hoped that the third phase of the plant – which will be financed by JICA – will ensure an adequate clean water supply to the residents of the eastern and southern areas of Phnom Penh, and also to Kandal province.
“We will cooperate with JICA on a feasibility study to ensure the project will be fit for purpose,” he added.
“The phase III expansion will add 130,000cu m of clean water to the capital’s daily production limit. In April, a team of specialists will begin studying whether or not that will be sufficient. Once the study is completed, in early 2024, we will discuss the amount of funding that is available from JICA and will begin the tender process,” he continued.
Construction will begin in 2026 and was scheduled to be completed in 2029.
He was unable to confirm the expected cost of the project, but explained that it was part of the water authority’s master plan to provide up to 1.8 million cubic metres of clean water per day by 2030.
The PPWSA cooperates with several partners, including JICA and the French Development Agency (AFD). The Korean Cooperation Agency (KOICA) is also working on projects that will help the PPWSA to meet its 2030 goal.
Currently, the authority is capable of producing around 660,000cu m of clean water a day, while present demand by the capital’s 450,000 families exceeds 750,000cu m.
Phase I and II of the Niroth plant have been completed, and each produce 130,000cu m a day.