Minister of Information Neth Pheaktra led a ministry delegation to discuss work-related matters with the National Assembly’s (NA) Fifth Committee on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Media and Information headed by chairman Suos Yara.

Ministry spokesperson Tep Asnarith said the primary aim of the February 5 meeting was to deepen understanding and consult on the execution of the seventh-mandate government’s Pentagonal Strategy and political programmes, specifically in the information sector.

The gathering focused on understanding the work overseen by the Fifth Committee. It also aimed to enhance cooperation between the legislative and executive bodies to effectively promote both the programmes and the strategy.

During the meeting, Pheaktra briefed participants on the current state of affairs in the information field. 

He detailed the ministry’s accomplishments in the first five months of the seventh mandate and outlined future working directions, aligning with the government’s directives.

The meeting reviewed recent accomplishments in leading and managing the information and audio-visual sector, including developments in the industry, technical and vocational training in journalism, information security, anti-fake news initiatives, legal framework enhancements and the promotion of professional ethics in the sector.

Participants were informed about the ministry’s vision to contribute to the government’s goal of transforming Cambodia into a high-income country by 2050.

The minister said the sector’s focus lies in reform and strengthening good governance, including ensuring work quality and efficiency, preparing legal documents and organising the press based on the principle of being “new, real, fast and comprehensive, with reliability and professionalism to connect all aspects of life”.

“This clearly demonstrates the vigorous efforts being made to transform the ministry into a government institution excelling in public affairs, marked by quality, efficiency and proactivity,” said Asnarith.

The Fifth Committee expressed appreciation for the ministry’s achievements in the early months of the seventh mandate and commended it for fostering internal harmony, bridging generations within its leadership framework and setting clear objectives for the new mandate.

The meeting then proceeded with an enthusiastic and cooperative discussion, with members exchanging ideas in a friendly and responsible atmosphere. Both parties discussed collaborative efforts to disseminate work activities and legislation, aiming to amplify the NA and the Senate’s voices to the public. 

They emphasised the importance of strengthening communication channels to provide timely societal information and the need to enhance factual information dissemination through professional training.

The meeting covered the enhancement of professional ethics among journalists, media order management and ensuring information security, including the public’s right to access quality information and implementing measures against false information.

“Information security is crucial for identifying and implementing mechanisms to counter fake news. This includes organising information campaigns to shift public awareness about the dangers and consequences of disinformation and prevention measures against it, thereby contributing to the security and management of the information space,” Asnarith said.