Minister of Information Neth Pheaktra acknowledged the significant role press associations have played in the development of journalism, working in conjunction with the ministry to guide journalists in their professional duties.

Pheaktra made the remarks during a March 5 meeting with the Cambodia-China Journalist Association (CCJA), as reported by the ministry.

He noted that the ministry, press associations and journalists, though functioning in different capacities, share the common objective of providing the public with meaningful, quality and responsible information.

“Press associations continue to play a crucial role in collaboration with the ministry, guiding journalists in their professional work and contributing to the media sector’s growth in Cambodia,” he stated.

He added that to foster the profession, particularly in combating fake news, the ministry has established the Anti-Fake News Commission to regulate information order and security.

Pheaktra also urged all media outlets to work together to maintain peace and stability through the dissemination of quality information, adhering to journalistic ethics and standards.

On the same occasion, CCJA president Soy Sopheap mentioned that their meeting with the ministry aimed to seek further advice from the minister on fighting fake news, which would also enhance the country’s reputation and Chinese investment opportunities.

Puy Kea, president of the Club of Cambodian Journalists (CCJ), stated on March 6 that although there are many journalist associations in Cambodia, only a few have historically trained and oriented members.

He said the CCJA and CCJ, which were established to collaboratively foster and guide the profession, aim to promote the development of journalism.

“In general, the role of all press associations, including the CCJ, is to strengthen the press’ crucial societal role for public benefit. We aspire to be recognised for our professionalism, high ethical standards and quality journalism,” he said.

According to the ministry, it has undertaken extensive efforts to advance the profession, including enhancing the information and audio-visual sector and safeguarding journalists’ rights to exercise their job with proper conduct and ethical standards.

The ministry has also re-established the Journalism and Training Centre, which is instrumental in developing human resources in the realms of journalism and audio-visual media within the country.