Prime Minister Hun Manet and several ministers inspect pumping operations which aim to save dry season rice crops in Kampong Thom province. STPM
New irrigation systems have been completed – and older ones upgraded – to ensure an adequate water supply for increased rice production and other crops three times a year in three provinces.
The completed irrigation systems are part of phase two of the “Agricultural Value Chain Improvement Project of Cambodia”, which aims to improve the agricultural value chain. This project has restored or constructed a total of 12 systems in the provinces of Takeo, Kampong Speu and Prey Veng, according to a social media post by Prime Minister Hun Manet.
“This will ensure adequate water for farmers to grow rice three times a year and includes other crops as well, without concern about water shortages," he said.
The systems include 12 automated electric water pumping stations, used to pump water into main canals, which then flow into secondary canals before reaching farmers' fields and directly irrigating their crops.
This system is managed by farmer water user communities (FWUCs), which were established by the Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology to provide water to farmers.
In Takeo province, there are five irrigation systems and pumping stations, including the Wat Thmey system, Wat Thmey3, Canal 90 system, Tasuong system and the Char 1 system.
In Prey Veng, there are five irrigation systems and water pumping stations, including the Angkor Ang system, Anglong Reach system, Peam Ror system, Tahel system and Dey Krahorm system. In Kandal, there are two irrigation systems and water pumping stations: the Sambuo system and Char 2, covering an area of about 10,000 hectares.
As of the end of 2024, 577 FWUCS had been established across the Kingdom. In 2025, the ministry plans to create an additional 7, in the provinces of Pursat, Kampong Chhnang, Kampong Speu and Kampong Thom.
Last weekend, the prime minister met with local communities in Kampong Thom province’s Prasat Sambor district. He also examined the progress of efforts to provide emergency irrigation to rice crops in Kampong Svay, Santuk and Stuong districts.
He announced that to increase rice production and improve its quality, the government will continue to prioritise water interventions from various water sources to ensure sufficient irrigation for dry-season rice farming, while addressing the hardships of farmers.
The water resources ministry, along with local authorities, has provided emergency irrigation pumping services in nine provinces so far during this dry season growing period.
They have rescued crops in Kampong Thom, Prey Veng, Svay Rieng, Kampong Speu, Kratie, Tbong Khmum, Kampong Cham, Kampot and Siem Reap provinces.