Preah Sihanouk provincial police arrested a Chinese man on Sunday morning and are searching for his accomplice after the two snatched a money bag from a couple in Commune IV’s Village 5.

Preah Sihanouk provincial deputy police chief Kol Phally said on Monday that the suspect, a 49-year-old casino worker, will be sent to court on Tuesday.

Soy Lina, 24, and her husband run a currency exchange at the Phsar Leu Market in Sihanoukville and sustained minor injuries in the robbery.

Preah Sihanouk provincial police chief Chuon Narin said the victims were riding a motorcycle from their home to Hilton Borey in the village to go to the market to conduct their exchange business.

Travelling on the road, two Chinese suspects approached on a motorcycle and intercepted them.

A scuffle ensued which left the victims injured. They asked neighbours for help. The police were called and one suspect was later arrested.

Narin said the suspects had taken 30 million riel ($7,322) from the victims.