Banteay Meanchey Military Police on Sunday sent two suspects, one Cambodian and one Thai, to provincial court following their arrest on Friday for trafficking 7kg of illegal drugs in Poipet town.
In three separate raids over the weekend in Phnom Penh, anti-drug police also detained three suspects and confiscated nearly 3kg of drugs.
Sar Bunsoeung, the Banteay Meanchey provincial Military Police deputy commander in charge of drug enforcement, told The Post on Sunday that the two suspects were sent to the provincial court on Sunday afternoon, but he was not sure how the court would proceed.
He said the two suspects worked together to traffic the drugs from Thailand, hiding the contraband in a cart and then delivering the drugs to a Thai national who was staying in a casino in Poipet town.
Bunsoeung said the pair’s activities were monitored at every stage by police, and they were arrested on Friday.
“I sent the two to court, but I don’t know what the court will do. For my part, I charged them with illegal drug trafficking. I don’t know what charges the court will bring. You can ask the court because it is outside my jurisdiction,” he said.
Provincial court spokesman Roeung Lina told The Post he had not yet received any information about the case as Sunday is a non-working day.
Banteay Meanchey deputy prosecutor Sok Keo Bandit could not be reached for comment.
A report issued by Banteay Meanchey provincial Military Police on Sunday revealed that the two suspects were a Thai national, 32, from Thailand’s Sa Kaeo province and a 37-year-old Cambodian from Poipet commune’s Kbal Spean village in Banteay Meanchey province’s Poipet town.
The report said police made the arrests on Friday afternoon in Tuol Pongro village in Poipet town’s Phsar Kandal commune.
More than 5kg of WY and 2kg of methamphetamine were seized in the bust.
Separately, Anti-Drug Department authorities in Phnom Penh conducted three raids between Thursday and Saturday under the supervision of municipal deputy prosecutor Kuch Kimlong, according to the department’s official Facebook page.
An Anti-Drug Department report said the first bust took place on Thursday in Tuol Kork district’s Phsar Doeum Kor commume.
Police detained a 34-year-old suspect and seized evidence including 227.61g of methamphetamine and one set of scales.
At the second location, police arrested a 36-year-old and seized 2,014.8g of methamphetamine in front of O’Russey Market in Prampi Makara district’s O’Russey Commune.
The third raid took place on Saturday at a private house in Prampi Makara district’s O’Russey IV commune.
Police confiscated 282.89g of methamphetamine, one set of scales and 19 tea boxes used to pack the drugs.
“The total evidence comprises 2,525.30g of methamphetamine, two drug scales, three phones, some boxes and a house,” the report said.