The UNDP Global Environment Facility’s (GEF) small grant programme has approved three proposals from three community-based organizations (CBO’s) in the Prey Lang Landscape in Preah Vihear to improve community well-being through enhanced ecotourism services in order to strengthen forest conservation there.
The United States Agency for International Development or USAID Greening Prey Lang project posted on Facebook on July 19 saying that the three CBO’s whose proposals were approved were in Chak Angrae, Datavoek and Tangyou.
They were selected from 21 CBO’s currently supported by USAID Greening Prey Lang in Preah Vihear based on proposal eligibility criteria and requested funding amounts.
The three CBO’s proposals were approved with conditions set by the National Steering Committee of the UNDP GEF.
USAID Greening Prey Lang has partnered with the UNDP Global Environment Facility (GEF) small grant programme to provide infrastructure and capacity building support to CBO’s in the Prey Lang Extended Landscape.
The three CBOs’ project proposals have similar goals that intend to improve community well-being through improved ecotourism services and strengthened forest conservation.
The Facebook post said the grants will support a variety of activities to achieve their goals, such as rehabilitation of hiking trails and development of camping sites and community offices, as well as capacity building on livelihood alternatives.
“CBO members play a crucial role in conserving community forests and protected areas. Direct grants to CBO’s support forest patrols, build institutional capacity, improve livelihoods and prepare communities to solicit and manage anticipated forest carbon co-benefits,” the Facebook post said, referring to the potential sale of carbon offset credits for the preservation of forests.