​Remember Forgiveness | Phnom Penh Post

Remember Forgiveness


Publication date
13 August 1993 | 07:00 ICT

Reporter : Post Staff

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Obviously, the political rivalry has not really laid down after the peaceful and

successful election in Cambodia wherein the people of Cambodia have bravely and freely

spoken that they earnestly want peace to reign once again in this beautiful country.

The prospect of lasting peace is now in the hands of the members of the constituent


Hopefully, the members of the constituent assembly entrusted by the people with the

delicate task to frame the Constitution of Cambodia will set aside their differences

and grudges of the past and start to focus their efforts concertedly to bring about

lasting peace, progress and prosperity to this once great nation. This realization

of lasting peace can start with the great step of FORGIVENESS as one only forgets

if one forgives. The offended person should remember that forgiveness is an act of

strength and that strength is not hard-heartedness.

I am happy to note that some prominent leaders of this nation have already started

with this great step of forgiveness which all Cambodians should follow in order to

bring about true reconciliation. I enjoin all Cambodians to forget, smile and taste

one of the best joys of the earth: The joy of having forgiven.

- Daniel Santos

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