A newly constructed road in Kratie province. MPWT
The Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the Ministry of Rural Development are to jointly inspect roads throughout the country to manage the development of road infrastructure and ensure traffic safety, according to an inter-ministerial prakas released on February 11.
The prakas said the inspections would investigate all aspects of road infrastructure and construction in order to take action against any violators of relevant laws and regulations.
It explained that the two ministries have the rights to issue orders to national road inspectors while municipal and provincial administrations also have the rights to issue mission orders to sub-national road inspectors, in accordance with their postings. Inspectors include appointed engineers and officials from relevant general departments of the two ministries.
“Inspections shall be made at least twice a year of all infrastructure and construction in the road network. Notice of site examinations must be given to the site owner or legal representative,” the prakas said.
During the assessments, inspectors must carry their civil servant ID and bear a letter defining the area to be inspected. They are expected to be dressed in uniform and must wear any safety clothing deemed necessary, it added.
Extra inspections shall be carried out if it is suspected that development of infrastructure or new construction does not comply with technical standards or regulations or compliance assessment procedures. The same applies to work which may impact public safety or the environment.
“Inspectors may only carry out assessment of a site with the participation or presence of the site owner or a legal representative and the site is operating.
“Road inspectors are empowered to temporarily suspend activities that have caused or are causing any violation of regulatory compliance,” it said.