The fifth Senate election kicked off this morning, with four political parties vying for 58 out of the 62 Senate seats. The remaining four seats will be appointed by the King and the National Assembly.

The four contenders are the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP), FUNCINPEC, Khmer Will Party (KWP), and the Nation Power Party (NPP).

Voting will take place from 7am to 3pm at 33 polling stations across eight regions nationwide, with a total of 11,747 eligible voters, consisting of incumbent lawmakers and commune council members.

At Phnom Penh’s Preah Sisowath High School, there are two voting stations, with more than 900 voters. Voters arrived before 7am to form a line and cast their ballots, with people with disabilities given priority.

“This election is important because the Senate is a top legislative body. It reviews the laws used to govern the country, based on the Constitution,” said Cheav Sengly, a Boeung Tomup 2 commune council member.

“The organisation of this election is much better than the last one. This has improved the confidence of voters,” added Hun Sophal, a Stung Meanchey III commune council member.

Orm Bunthoeurn

Orm Bunthoeurn