The AntiCovid19Cambodia Telegram Group are ready to distribute food to families in some areas of Chbar Ampov, Prampi Makara, Russey Keo, Sen Sok and Tuol Kork districts on May 11. Facebook
The AntiCovid19Cambodia Telegram Group has been recruiting volunteers to carry out humanitarian activities to contribute to the provision of food to the poor as well as protective equipment to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
On May 11, the group distributed food to 1,250 families – including 25 kg of rice per person, noodles, canned fish, sugar, fish sauce, soy sauce, cooking oil, and a First Aid kit – in some areas of Chbar Ampov, Prampi Makara, Russey Keo, Sen Sok and Tuol Kork districts.
Hor Sereyvath, president of the foundation and chairman of the group, said: “Our foundation worked with the district authorities to distribute food to the people on May 11."
Since 2020, the Anti-Covid19Cambodia Telegram team has been carrying charitable activities such as producing face masks to provide to people who come to get vaccinated, the medical staff at vaccination sites and the Phnom Penh municipal police and Military Police.
Their foundation has also provided other items to public hospitals, such as 5,000 pairs of gloves, 10,000 plasters, soap bars and face masks.
The Telegram group was formed in April to carry out various humanitarian and charitable activities in collaboration with the government to curb the spread of Covid-19.
The AntiCovid19Cambodia Foundation has received donations from a variety of sources including individual persons, private companies, associations and other organisations.
The donations have been used to prepare food for the needy as well as provide essential items to the frontline medical staff to aid in the fight against Covid-19.