​Thais to block KR leaders | Phnom Penh Post

Thais to block KR leaders


Publication date
09 September 1994 | 07:00 ICT

Reporter : Reuters

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B ANGKOK - Thailand will ban all top Khmer Rouge guerrilla leaders from entering the country as soon as the Cambodian government supplies a list of names, the Thai foreign minister said on Sept 1.

Prasong Soonsiri was speaking to reporters after talks with Cambodia's First Prime Minister Prince Norodom Ranariddh, who stopped off briefly in Bangkok on his way home from Beijing.

"I assured Prince Ranariddh that Thailand will definitely ban Khmer Rouge members from entering the country once they give us the list of the names," Prasong said.

The discussion focused on ways to deal with the Khmer Rouge in light of the Cambodian parliament's decision in July to outlaw the guerrilla group, Prasong said.

Prasong said he was told by Ranariddh that all senior Khmer Rouge members would be on the blacklist.

Thailand and China were the main backers of the Khmer Rouge during the 13-year war, which officially ended with a peace treaty signed in Paris in November 1991.

Thailand has repeatedly rejected charges leveled by Cambodia and some UN officials that it continues to support the guerrillas, who boycotted Cambodia's UN-supervised elections last year.

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