The Kingdom’s latest dolphin calf – just two days old – takes a welcome breath of air at Kratie province’s Anlong Chroy Banteay on February 9. Agriculture ministry
The third newborn Irrawaddy dolphin calf of 2025 was sighted in Kratie province’s Anlong Chroy Banteay on February 9, in an exciting development for the Kingdom’s conservation enthusiasts.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the newborn – estimated to be just two days old – was discovered by a research team from the Fisheries Administration and WWF in the dolphin pool of Chroy Banteay, in Prek Prasab district.
The calf was swimming alongside a pod of eight adult dolphins.
The ministry expressed their gratitude to the river guards, local authorities and residents for the important role they play in protecting and conserving the valuable aquatic treasures.
The ministry also encouraged the public to report any further sightings of newborn dolphins.
In 2024, a total of nine dolphin calves were born, the highest number recorded in the past four years, although four deaths were unfortunately noted.
In 2022, the mortality rate was even higher, with 11 dolphin deaths and only six new calves.
Similarly, in 2021, there were nine dolphin deaths and just six births.
The latest birth means Kingdom’s fresh water population dolphin has now reached 106 individuals, a stark reminder of the importance of preserving these precious creatures.