The Royal Group of Companies’ Cambodian Broadcasting System (CBS) and Digital Sky have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Bayon Media High System Group, Hang Meas and Reaksmey Hang Meas Radio and TV Group.

Thursday’s agreement marks a major leap towards the launch of the country’s largest digital TV platform.

Royal Group chairman Neak Oknha Kith Meng, Bayon Media High System Group adviser Oknha Charles Vann and Hang Meas and Reaksmey Hang Meas Radio and TV Group chairman Oknha Eng Chhay Ngoun participated in the signing ceremony, which took place at a leading hotel in the capital.

The aim of the MoU is to establish the Cambodian TV Alliance Group Co Ltd comprising Royal Group, Bayon Media High System Group and Hang Meas and Reaksmey Hang Meas Radio and TV Group.

The joint venture will oversee the launch and operations of a new digital TV platform providing a variety of channels to inform, entertain and inspire Cambodian families.

The signing ceremony was held on Thursday. Hong Menea

Part of this initiative will see the digitalisation of the audio-visual and broadcasting industry.

Neak Oknha Kith Meng said this forms part of the group’s vision for a fully digitalised Cambodia that corresponds to the government’s agenda for Industry 4.0.

“We are delighted to have launched this new joint venture that will help the Royal Government of Cambodia achieve its goal of having all private and state-owned channels switch their analogue broadcasting to digital,” he said.

Under the agreement, the joint venture is tasked with overseeing the platform’s content and programming, which will be broadcast through a single entry point.

It will also help ensure a smooth transition to digital, with the switch-over slated to take place by 2023.

The Royal Group remains fully committed to supporting Cambodia’s digital revolution.

Its information and communications technology divisions for Cellcard, Ezecom, Wing Money and Broadcasting operations CBS and Digital Sky are working together to achieve a shared digital strategy for the Kingdom.

All companies involved in the joint venture are pioneers in the Cambodian audio-visual and broadcasting industry with more than 25 years of experience.