Ministry of Health spokeswoman and head of the ad-hoc commission for Covid-19 vaccination rollout Or Vandine commended frontline medical workers and doctors for their sacrifices in the fight against Covid-19, saying their enormous contributions will go down in history.

In an April 20 message shared to a public Telegram group she hosts, Vandine referred to them as a “white-clothed army that has won the hearts of the general public” for their devotion and courage in the face of the deadly contagious disease.

“Although you cannot see your enemy, you are so brave to face it without fear of any complications for yourself. You have devoted yourselves to the people and the interests of the nation first.

“I really appreciate you all as representatives from the young generation and as new strong bamboo who bravely face this huge challenge.

“Your braveness will be recorded in the history of Cambodia for the next generations to learn and know of your sacrifices for the public health and happiness in Cambodia and the whole world,” she said.

Vandine also expressed concern that some medical workers had contracted the disease and other are under quarantine, voicing optimism that they’d get through this hard time and return to health.

“You have to be strong and optimistic, the lives of our people rely on your health. You will provide them with vaccinations to fight Covid-19 together now and in the future.

“You will gain experience from this historical undertaking and become highly-qualified professionals that could save thousands of lives in the future,” she said.

Vandine called on frontline medical workers to remain patient and tolerant, and to take highly-precautionary measures, noting that the coronavirus was not far away.

Teav Sothearoth, a volunteer frontline medical worker from Samdech Techo Voluntary Youth Doctor Association (TYDA), told The Post on April 20 that he and his peers leave home at 7am and work until 1am the following day.

He was busy taking samples in the capital’s Meanchey district, which has been hit hard by the disease, especially among the ranks of factory workers.

“Our work is to do whatever possible to curb the spread of the virus. We are taking samples of those who have had direct and indirect contact with the patients. We are using a rapid test device now,” Sothearoth said, referring to the Panbio Covid-19 Ag Rapid Test Device which, according to TYDA, provides results in 15-30 minutes.