China has pledged to assist Cambodia with the clearance of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) clearance until they are no longer a threat to Cambodians. The Kingdom cleared more land of mines than any other nation in 2023.

China's commitment was made as Wang Wentian, outgoing Chinese ambassador to Cambodia, met with Ly Thuch, first vice-president of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), earlier today.

“The Chinese ambassador reiterated that China will continue to offer strong support for Cambodia's efforts to clear mines and explosive remnants of war until Cambodia is free from the threat of unexploded ordnance,” said a CMAA statement. 

Thuch thanked Wang for leading efforts to provide partnerships and support for the mine action sector in Cambodia, which is a major priority of the Cambodian government.

Both Wang and Thuch praised the historic relationship between the two countries, especially their community of common destiny, according to the CMAA.

China has become one of the Kingdom’s largest donors in the mine action sector in recent years. Since 2018, China has provided $14.4 million in grants and supported the clearance of more than 107 square kilometres of landmine-contaminated areas, with 77,954 mines and munitions discovered and destroyed.

Chinese support has also provided mine awareness education to an estimated 1.5 million people.

China has become one of the Kingdom’s largest donors in the mine action sector in recent years.​ CMAC

In addition, it has delivered training to 199 Cambodian deminers from the CMAA, the National Center for Peacekeeping Forces and the army, both at the national and sub-national levels, since 2016.

According to the CMAA, 3,024 square kilometres have been cleared of landmines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) in the past three decades.

Cambodia is currently striving to achieve the vision of a mine-free Cambodia by 2025, with Phnom Penh and 14 provinces already declared mine-free. About 12 million individuals, equivalent to 70 per cent of the population, have benefited from this mine clearance, according to the CMAA.

“In 2023, 444 square kilometres of mine and ERW contaminated land was cleared in Cambodia, the largest area cleared by any nation on the planet,” said the CMAA.

The annual casualty rate has also dropped accordingly, from 4,320 in 1996 to just 32 in 2023.