With a cold snap forecast to begin on December 21, border authorities have called on people to prepare themselves and protect their health. They have suggested that vulnerable groups of people – especially the elderly – stay home, as the Kingdom feels the impact of the north-eastern monsoon. 

The Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology issued a December 19 forecast which predicted that from December 21-24, as many as five provinces will experience overnight temperatures as low as 15 degrees Celsius.

The chilly conditions are expected to affect Mondulkiri, Preah Vihear, Oddar Meanchey, Ratanakkiri and Pailin provinces.

Several other provinces – Banteay Meanchey, Battambang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Kampong Thom and Stung Treng – can expect the mercury to drop as far as 17-19 degrees Celsius during the coolest part of the night.

The ministry also warned that Phnom Penh and other provinces are likely to experience minimum temperatures of 20-23 degrees Celsius. 

Coastal dwellers can expect high winds of 7-9m per second from the northeast and a swell of 1.5-2m.

“We ask that all members of the public remain vigilant, take care of their health and wear warm protective clothing to ensure they do not fall ill,” said the ministry.

It explained that the plummeting temperatures are due to a growing high pressure front over China, coupled with moderate winds from the northeast.

Oddar Meanchey provincial deputy governor Dy Rado said on December 19 that provincial authorities had distributed the ministry’s latest forecast to district and commune authorities, so they could warn the public about the coming cold snap.

“On behalf of the provincial authorities, I call on all residents of the province to brace themselves for the cold weather and stay indoors, especially the elderly,” he added.

Ratanakkiri provincial governor Nhem Sam Oeun said the provincial authorities were preparing to take action to protect the public, adding that local authorities had travelled to all villages, communes and districts to instruct them about the coming weather conditions so the people will be aware that they need to take precautions to protect their health. 

“In addition, we are distributing winter coats to those members of the public who need them. We are always prepared to help when the weather turns to such intense cold,” he continued.

He explained that warm clothing would be provided to the homeless and other vulnerable groups. The authorities do not need to issue them to elderly people who live with their families, but instructed them to stay indoors when temperatures fell.

On December 8, the Ministry of Health issued a warning to the public about the dangers of flus, colds and Covid-19 when conditions become cooler.

Suggested protective measures include mask wearing should they develop a respiratory problem, as well as the use of soap and hand sanitiser. They should cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze, and should seek medical treatment if they experience a fever, prolonged coughing or breathing difficulties.