The transport ministry on July 8 announced that it held a workshop to collect input for development of a roadmap for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure that effectively promotes EV adoption in Cambodia.
The Ministry of Public Works and Transport said in a statement that the workshop, held earlier in the day, was led by its director-general for land transport Chhuon Vorn, and attended by around 50 people, including ministry officials and representatives of the UN Development Programme (UNDP).
Vorn thanked the UNDP for supporting research for the roadmap, and called on attendees to share insights and feedback to maximise the usefulness of the roadmap, ensuring that it is comprehensive and determines optimal locations for EV charging installations, according to the statement.
The statement noted that the ministry currently has five EV charging points, four of which were donated by the UN agency and the other by energy giant Chevron, which it said plans to install 300 EV charging points in the next three years.
China Chamber of Commerce has also committed to support EV use in the Kingdom and is set to provide 10 charging units as a first step, the statement said, adding that the ministry has held talks on installing the charging kiosks with major oil companies Sokimex, Total, Tela, Caltex and PTT.