A number of state institutions and civil society organisations in Siem Reap province celebrated World Handwashing Day on December 11. The occasion served to promote the importance of hygiene in warding off disease.

According to the provincial information department, this year’s event was held under the theme “Our future is on our hands, let’s join hands and wash our hands together”. The function was held at Preah Theat Primary School in Chi Kreng district’s Khvav commune.

Chi Kreng deputy governor Ros Bunthorn explained that the day was significant, as it reminds people of the importance of hand hygiene, especially through washing with soap.

“The day is also an inspiration for change from national policy institutions to community-level practitioners. All parents and guardians should pay attention to educating their children about the need to wash their hands – as well as their bodies – before eating,” he said.

Hong Ubol Vanna, deputy director of the provincial Department of Education, Youth and Sport, noted that people’s experience of the global epidemic of Covid-19 had made it clear that one of the most effective and simple ways to stop the spread of a virus is by washing your hands with soap.

“This is a day to remind our people, who are the guardians of the young, to be more aware and for the children to learn about the benefits of washing their hands before eating. We must all work together to encourage this, starting from individuals, family members, communities and society as a whole,” he said.

Ung Savy, president of Caring for Cambodia (CFC), described the day as important because hand washing is a simple, easy-to-apply, low-cost way of preventing diarrhoea and many respiratory illnesses.

“Regular hand washing with soap and water before eating and after defecation can save lives more than vaccination or medical interventions. Hand washing with soap can reduce the mortality rate of epidemics by almost half and quarter deaths from acute respiratory infections,” he said.

According to official data from the Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey (CDHS), poor sanitation is a significant problem and can lead to malnutrition for children.

Siem Reap has celebrated Handwashing Day since 2019. It has now marked the occasion four times – first in the namesake provincial town, second in Prasat Bakong district, third in Angkor Chum district and the fourth in Varin district.