The visit of Prime Minister Hun Manet to France has attracted interest from ASEAN member states as well as other democratic nations around the world. The possible impact of this visit on Cambodia’s diplomatic landscape also draws the attention of international observers and diplomatic circles. And as the new leader of Cambodia, Manet’s visit has enormous potential to cement the relationship between the two countries.

The significance of the visit in particular is influenced by a number of reasons. Since France and Cambodia have been allies for a long time, this trip serves to reinforce their cordial and constructive relationship.

Moreover, France occupies a key place in the EU, which opens doors to deeper collaboration and partnerships with other European nations. Thus, Manet’s encounters with French leaders are crucial for developing diplomatic ties and promoting closer cooperation in a range of fields such as trade, investment, culture and education.

The diplomatic environments of both France and Cambodia have been greatly influenced by their shared history. The two nations’ relationship dates back to the colonial era, when Cambodia was a French protectorate from 1863 until 1953. Since then, it has developed and changed.

France had a profound impact on Cambodia’s language, culture, educational system and infrastructure throughout the colonial era. Even though colonialism was complicated, the two countries have a kinship thanks to their common history that goes beyond diplomatic relations.

After Cambodia gained its independence in 1953, France kept up close diplomatic ties with the newly independent country. Cooperation and respect for one another have always defined this relationship, with France providing development assistance and supporting Cambodia’s efforts in a number of areas such as governance, education and culture.

The upkeep of robust diplomatic ties with France is critical for Cambodia. France is a major player in international affairs as a global power and member of the EU. With its assistance and collaboration, Cambodia may be able to take advantage of significant chances for international trade, investment and cultural interaction.

In addition to actively engaging in diplomacy and striving to promote closer relations with other countries, Manet plays a significant role in forming the nation’s diplomatic ties. 

The impact of Manet’s trips to France on Cambodia’s standing on the global stage and its place in the international diplomatic sphere is noteworthy. This trip presents Cambodia with a unique chance to deepen its relationship with France, a significant actor in world affairs and a nation with deep cultural and historical ties to Cambodia.

Though important for Cambodia’s diplomatic scene, Manet’s trips to France are not without possible obstacles and complaints. It’s critical to address these issues in order to present a complete picture of the situation.

A possible obstacle or critique pertaining to these trips is the matter of human rights in Cambodia. A further possible difficulty is political disputes. There have been accusations against Cambodia’s ruling party of stifling opposing voices and concentrating power.

Manet’s trips to France, according to some, may be an attempt to get worldwide approval for the policies of the ruling party. It is imperative that these issues be addressed by emphasising the value of candid communication and the function of diplomatic missions in promoting international understanding and collaboration.

It is crucial to keep a fair and impartial viewpoint when debating these possible objections and challenges. Recognising the issues brought up by detractors is necessary, but so is stressing the advantages of diplomatic contacts as well as the chances they provide for fruitful communication and cooperation.

Manet’s visit acts as a link between the two countries in terms of diplomatic ties, promoting mutual trust and a deeper understanding.

High-level reciprocal visits promote interpersonal relations and communication, which can result in more collaboration in fields like trade, investment, education, culture and defence. By facilitating more cooperation on regional and global concerns, these improved diplomatic relations may provide Cambodia a more powerful voice on the international scene.

There is a lot of room for growth in trade and investment between France, a major economic force, and the US. Bilateral commerce, job creation, and economic prosperity can all increase with the formation of corporate alliances, joint ventures, and economic agreements.

Moreover, infrastructure development, technology transfer and capacity building are critical components of sustained economic growth that can be facilitated by French investments in Cambodia.

When Manet attempts to draw foreign investors to Cambodia, he needs to keep one thing in mind: What prerequisites must foreign investors meet before making an investment in Cambodia? Investors always look for information about the business climate, corruption and legislation in Cambodia. Then, they compare Cambodia to other nations to determine the best place to invest in.

In order to attract foreign investment, Cambodia actually needs to examine its internal issues. Cambodian leaders should realise that not all criticism comes from the opposition because sometimes people just want to see a positive atmosphere in their society.

The country should be fully aware of its problems before accepting recommendations and suggestions that are focused on business and tourism. 

In summary, Manet’s visit to France acts as a spark for the construction of bridges and the development of closer diplomatic relations between the two countries.

These initiatives must be given top priority going forward since they have the capacity to improve things and advance Cambodia as a whole. 

Cambodia can strategically position itself in the international arena and seize new chances for the betterment of its citizens and the country at large by making investment in diplomacy and cultivating foreign alliances.

Seun Sam is a policy analyst at the Royal Academy of Cambodia.

The views expressed are his own.