​GIZ – Technical Cooperation Setting standards in sustainable development | Phnom Penh Post

GIZ – Technical Cooperation Setting standards in sustainable development

Special Reports

Publication date
01 October 2015 | 23:24 ICT

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Cultural conservation is among GIZ’s top priorities. PHOTO SUPPLIED

At GIZ, we take a lead in international cooperation services for sustainable development. As a federal, public-benefit company, we work primarily on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), but also for other federal ministries, public and private sector clients, domestically and beyond. These include the governments of other countries, the European Commission, the United Nations and the World Bank.

Aiming to promote and set standards in sustainable development, we are working in over 130 countries worldwide.

Our success in international cooperation is built upon a strong foundation of technical experience and networks in partner countries.

From small and medium businesses to research development; from cultural conservation to strengthening civil society, our work reaches just about every corner of the society.

Technical expertise and know-how is our equation for success. In 2014, our business volume exceeded €2 billion. Around 70 per cent of our local workforce of 16,410 people is composed of national personnel working in over 130 countries. In our capacity as a recognised sending organisation, we currently have 785 development workers in action in partner countries. In addition, CIM, a joint operation of GIZ and the Federal Employment Agency, placed around 1,000 integrated and returning experts with local employers abroad in 2014 while providing them with financial support and advisory services in order to prepare young women and men with invaluable international experiences.

GIZ provides social services. PHOTO SUPPLIED

Effectiveness – our yardstick for quality

We aim to achieve maximum effectiveness. To ensure we are on the right track, our results-based monitoring system gauges the impacts of our interventions right from the planning phase.

GIZ sets standards in accountability and presents its results to commissioning parties, partners and the general public. The lessons learned are reapplied to the current work, improving activity management and boosting effectiveness.

Tailored services

Demand-driven and tailor-made: Our effective services promote sustainable development.

Our principles are based on the values upheld in German society. By including stakeholders’ voices, we facilitate change and empower citizens to take ownership of their own sustainable development processes.

Our work considers political, economic, social and environmental complexities that challenge development. Based on partners’ needs we shape our services to meet policy goals – at all levels.

GIZ promotes economic development throughout Cambodia. PHOTO SUPPLIED

A partnership based on mutual trust – our work in Cambodia

Mutual consultation, trust and partnership are the core of our work with the Royal Government of Cambodia, where we are based since 1994.

Our ongoing work in rural development, health and social security responds to the needs of the Cambodian people, supporting them to recover from the years of political strife and poverty. To provide a steady foundation, we also work in the area of good governance as a cross-cutting issue, to promote gender equality, political participation, transparency and to counteract corruption.

In Cambodia, the team works with approximately 185 national professionals plus 50 international staff. Our presence in Phnom Penh since 2001 has helped building our close working relationship with the government and has fostered our cooperation with local partners.

Since the pacification in 1993, Cambodia has demonstrated tremendous economic growth and has steadily worked towards national development goals. Nonetheless, poverty and insufficient social services prevail throughout the rural areas, hampering successful development.

We believe that there’s no hurdle Cambodia cannot overcome, as the country has transformed from battle-scarred to a stable, functioning government system.

The results: Our work has assisted Cambodia to reduce infant mortality, promote gender responsive justice systems and secure access to land and security of tenure. Our support in the area of regional economic development helped Cambodians to increase their annual income and cross the poverty line.

With our assistance to the Royal Government of Cambodia, Cambodian citizens will be able to enjoy progressively more accountable, efficient and transparent administrative systems and government services.

Together with the Royal Government of Cambodia, our work fosters peace, justice and reconciliation.


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