The standard of Cambodian education is rising across the Kingdom. Students from different schools share their views on secondary education.

Somongkul Touch Grade 9, SCIA High School

What opportunities has secondary school given you so far?   “At SCIA, I have opportunities to apply what I learn in Entrepreneurship class such as marketing, sales and customer service through student initiated projects. The school also provides opportunities for students to meet with entrepreneurs and hear from their life experiences. With my education at SCIA, I hope to add value to my father’s business and to start my own business in the future.”   Somongkul Touch Grade 9, SCIA High School  

Chhor Chhayfong Grade 8, KIS

What are you looking forward to about being a secondary school student in a new country, Australia that you have successfully enrolled?   This year I’m looking forward on starting a new chapter in my life as a secondary student. This chapter, although new and intimidating should end up being one of the most exciting and interesting one. Yet, I hope to learn many new things from secondary and hope to achieve things I could not imagine possible.   Chhor Chhayfong Grade 8, KIS

MEAS Ping Sing Grade 5, NISC

How are you feeling about transitioning in to secondary school?   “Most people think that going to secondary might be scary, but in my opinion it isn’t. You get to learn new things, there are more sports and cool field trips, and some students even can travel to a new country. Also, if you learn about a subject a lot you might get an A+.”   MEAS Ping Sing Grade 5, NISC

Sophearida Kuoch Grade 9, SCIA High School

What opportunities has secondary school given you so far?   “I had the opportunity to hone my leadership skills through the ecobricks project. Together, we help the school to reuse unwanted plastic bags and improve the environment.”   Sophearida Kuoch Grade 9, SCIA High School

Hengkungkea Mak Grade 10, AIS

What are you looking forward to about being a secondary school student?   Personally, I am expecting much out of becoming a secondary school student. Most useful future experiences will be derived from this stage. Those include participating skills and global understanding with both practical and academic experiences which will help me choose the right college major suitable for my future career.   Hengkungkea Mak Grade 10, AIS

Try Coopong Grade 7NGS_B, PSHS-NGS

What things are you looking forward to about going to secondary school?   “What I am looking forward to about being a secondary student is choosing and participating in the subjects I love, and continuing to be successful. In the future I will be working to make my friends and family proud. Being a secondary school student will give me a chance to master skills for the future, for college or university, and maybe even further.”   Try Coopong Grade 7NGS_B, PSHS-NGS